Enjin Platform v1.9.0 Upgrade Guide
Every year the Laravel framework that the Platform is based on gets a major version update. When this happens we also update the Platform code to use the new version. This update requires a couple of extra steps as we follow the upgrade guide from the Laravel website.
Before starting, check to see if you need to upgrade.
php artisan --version
on the CLI from your installation folder.
If it showsLaravel Framework 10.x.x
or below then proceed to update using this guide.
The first job is to update some of the package versions in the compose.json
file. If not using sanctum for platform authentication then you can ignore that entry.
If you are using the beyondcode/laravel-websockets
package you will also need to remove it from the composer.json
file as it is no longer being maintained and is not compatible with Laravel 11. It will be replaced later on with Laravel Reberb, Laravel's new 1st party websocket server. If you are using a 3rd Party websocket provider such as Pusher then you can ignore the steps to install Reverb, instead check the documentation from your package provider for compatibility with Laravel 11 and follow any necessary steps to update if needed.
cd /var/www/laravel/
nano composer.json
"laravel/framework" : "^11.0",
"laravel/sanctum" : "^4.0",
"nunomaduro/collision" : "^8.0",
Save and exit with ctrl-x y
. Next run composer update
. Once the command completes and if you are running your own websocket sever you can now install the new Laravel Reverb package. If you aren't running a websocket server then skip to the last section.
Install Laravel Reverb with this command:
php artisan install:broadcasting
Next update your .env file by copying your pusher vars to the new reverb vars, and ensure you have set the BRADCAST_DRIVER
to reverb
Ensure that the required 'vite' versions of the vars are also in the .env file:
Finally update your nginx site configuration, open it with nano:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/laravel
Find the location
section for /app/.*
and update the content to the following. This will ensure your websocket is made available properly via wss:
location ~ /app/.* {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header SERVER_PORT $server_port;
proxy_set_header REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_read_timeout 60;
proxy_connect_timeout 60;
proxy_redirect off;
Save the config with ctrl-x y
and restart nginx with sudo service nginx restart
Laravel Reverb uses node, so we will next need to build the app with npm run build
this should also build the platform UI assets if you are using the platform-ui
package too.
Finally, if you are using supervisor to handle your long running commands (such as the ingest and queue workers) then you will then need to restart both the queue worker and in the ingest commands so they also use the latest code. If the Platform Decoder was also updated and rebuilt then it should also be restarted.
Please note that if you have configured supervisor to run your websocket server then you'll need to update the conf as follows e.g.:
sudo supervisorctl stop all
sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/platform-websocket.conf
Modify the command=
entry to read:
command=php /var/www/laravel/artisan reverb:start
Save with ctry-x y
and then reload and restart the supervisor commands:
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl update
sudo supervisorctl start all
Confirming the update was successful
To check if the upgrade was successful:
Access the well-known file at https://your_url.com/.well-known/enjin-platform.json
and check that the versions are expected. For example:
"packages": {
"enjin/platform-beam": {
"version": "v1.9.2",
"revision": "4759194ba4eee799316f4bf10bc495b51abb74d5",
"routes": [
"enjin/platform-core": {
"version": "v1.9.2",
"revision": "b1a97265cb96af7fd757255174eca541fa562d15",
"routes": [
"enjin/platform-fuel-tanks": {
"version": "v1.9.1",
"revision": "6044d3c5b5bce5d2a568a7558f567de001f6ebe0"
"enjin/platform-marketplace": {
"version": "v1.9.0",
"revision": "2f3dcfd9468766c5495e5d3dfe737c8216324bf1"
"enjin/platform-ui": {
"version": "v1.9.1",
"revision": "30edfb6def746113b74a79b843066e557fd6412d"
Tracked Collections
v1.9.0 of the platform brings a change to how collections are synced and tracked. Previously the platform would sync all collections and tokens from the chain when using the sync command unless you asked it to only track certain collections in the .env file. However with the increasing amount of collections and tokens on the blockchain it meant that syncs were becoming very resource intensive and taking a very long time to populate. With v1.9.0, the platform will now default to only tracking and syncing collections that you ask it to instead of tracking everything by default. There are new mutations to help manage which collections you would like to track which are AddToTracked
and RemoveFromTracked
. There are also options in the platform UI to track and untrack collections. If you would still like to sync everything then this is still possible by setting the SYNC_ALL=true
.env variable.
Updated 7 months ago