Platform Installation

Install the Enjin Platform package dependencies

  1. Your app will be located in /var/www/laravel/. Use the cd command to navigate to this folder:

    cd /var/www/laravel/
  2. We are now ready to install the required extensions, install them with the following command:


    Check your installed php version

    This guide was tested on php version 8.2, which is why the extensions are installed on version 8.2
    Make sure to install the extensions on the same php version that your server is running.
    To check which php version is currently installed, run the command php -v

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install php8.2-{common,sqlite3,gmp,intl,mysql,bcmath,pcov,redis} 
  3. Check that Go is installed, and install it if not:

    go version
  4. If the above command doesn't return something like go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64 then proceed to install it with these commands (the following is from

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt search golang-go
    sudo apt search gccgo-go
    sudo apt install golang-go

Install and configure the Enjin Platform Core package

  1. Delete the composer.lock file if it exists:

    rm composer.lock
  2. Edit the composer.json file using a tool like nano or vim and set the minimum-stability property to dev. If using nano you can save and quit with ctrl-x and then y followed by enter

  3. Run the composer require command from the root of your Laravel folder for each of the Enjin Platform packages you wish to install.


    Platform Packages

    In this guide, we are installing platform-core package only, this is the only required package.
    All other packages are optional.
    To install additional packages, check out the Installing Additional Platform Packages section

    composer require enjin/platform-core  
  4. Once the core package is installed, build the sr25519 plugin:

    cd vendor/gmajor/sr25519-bindings/go && go build -buildmode=c-shared -o . && mv ../src/Crypto/ && chown $USER:www-data ../src/Crypto/ && cd ../../../../
  5. Run the platform database migrations:

    php artisan migrate
  6. Add these variables to your .env file, the .env file is located in the root of the laravel folder and you can edit it with one of the built-in text editors such a nano:

    sudo nano .env

    The required additions are:

  7. You should set the BASIC_AUTH_TOKEN to a long random string, this will be your key to access the API from your services.

  8. Set the NETWORK to either canary (for testnet) or enjin (for mainnet).

  9. If you wish to use the wallet daemon to sign transactions then you should set your wallet daemon account address in the DAEMON_ACCOUNT .env var.

  10. Additionally, we need to update the APP_URL to your public facing URL.



Continue with the installation

If you wish to use features such as Beam, Fuel Tanks, Marketplace, or UI, please continue to the Installing Additional Packages page.
If not, please continue to the Setting up the Decoder page.

Setup Automated Database Pruning

The ingest process will store data over time in the database. Once processed, this data can be optionally pruned to save storage space in the database.

  1. Ensure that Cron is installed and enabled
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install cron
    sudo systemctl enable cron
  2. Edit using crontab
    crontab -e
  3. Add the following entry to the end of the file, after the last #. This will run the scheduler every minute, which will decide when to perform database pruning
    * * * * * cd /var/www/laravel && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
  4. Ensure that Laravel scheduler command is correct
    nano /var/www/laravel/app/Console/Kernel.php
  5. Within the schedule function, make sure it's scheduled for the period of time you'd like. For example, hourly or daily.
    * Define the application's command schedule.
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
      $schedule->command('model:prune', ['--model' => \Enjin\Platform\Models\Laravel\Block::class])->daily();