Restarting the Platform

Every time you change .env variables / update the platform version / install a package, for any changes to take effect, the workers need to be restarted:

  1. attach to your workers tmux sessions:

    tmux a -t workers
  2. Switch to the queue in the bottom panel with ctrl-b down-arrow and then press ctrl-c. This will stop the worker from running.

  3. Restart the queue:

    cd /var/www/laravel/
    php artisan queue:work
  4. Switch to the ingest panel with ctrl-b up-arrow and then press ctrl-c. This will stop the ingest from running.

  5. Restart the syncing process:

    cd /var/www/laravel/
    php artisan platform:sync

    Once the sync is complete run the ingest worker command to start receiving and processing blockchain events:

    php artisan platform:ingest
  6. If the Platform Decoder also needs a restart, switch to the decoder panel with ctrl-b up-arrow and then press ctrl-c. This will stop the decoder from running.

  7. Restart the decoder:

    cd ~/enjin/platform-decoder