Platform Automatic ENJ Teleport

This changelog update featuring the new automatic ENJ teleport feature for Enjin Platform, and a variety of enhancements for the Enjin Platform and Enjin Wallet app.

  • A bug has been fixed where broadcasted Bitcoin transactions that are still pending disappear from the transaction history after the app restarts.
  • Governance & staking notifications: The formatting for staking-related push notifications has been adjusted.
  • Token properties percentage: A visual issue has been fixed where trait percentages were displayed incorrectly.
  • Error when Melting: Fixed a bug where an error will occur when trying to melt Enjin assets on Ethereum blockchain.
  • Fixed a bug where Activity screen would fail to load.
  • IPFS media: Fixed an issue where IPFS media files with no explicit file types wouldn’t load.

  • General
    • Automatic ENJ teleporting feature: A new QoL feature that automatically detects ENJ tokens transferred to managed wallets made on the Relaychain network, and automatically teleports them to the Matrixchain network. This assists in scenarios where users may mistakenly fund their managed wallets with ENJ tokens on Relaychain, instead of Matrixchain.
    • A new mutation, AcceptCollectionTransfer, has been introduced. This is used to finalize the transfer of a collection by the new owner.
    • skipValidation parameter has been added to Fuel Tank and Marketplace mutations. This allows bypassing some validation tests for debugging purposes.
    • Burn Mutation validation: An issue has been fixed where burning token supply using the Burn mutation failed on validation with the error The collection id provided is not owned by you. Now, it validates collection ownership only when removeTokenStorage is set to true.
    • “Force_mint” support has been added for the indexer, fixing a bug where TokenCreated events of tokens created using the force_mint extrinsic weren’t correctly handled, leading to missing data.
    • WebSocket Events: Issues with CollectionMutatedTokenReserved, and TokenUnreserved events have been addressed. Support for the CollectionTransferred event has also been added.
  • Fuel Tanks
    • The dispatch validation logic has been improved, allowing dispatching from non-tank owner accounts.
    • The WhitelistedPallet rule has been added, enabling its use when creating or editing fuel tanks.
    • An issue has been fixed where some fuel tank names were displayed in Hexadecimal format.
  • C# SDK
  • User Interface: An issue on the Beams List Page where additional beams wouldn’t load has been fixed.