ERC 1154
How can I have a contact erc1155?
How do I get the seed file for the wallet daemon to generate?
I am trying to set up the wallet daemon on a ubuntu instance in AWS so that I can interact with the canary enjin testnet. I have followed the steps in the enjin quick start guide, using the canary api key and leaving the config.json data as initially generated (with the canary details). When I run the command "sudo docker compose build --no-cache", the seed file mentioned in the quick start guide is not in the store directory.
how can i trace matrixchain docker image new release?
i am wondering if there is something like github release for matrixchain so that i can be notified that there is a new image for matrixchain
I want to create a token, unlimited supply - Where do I start?
I want to create a token - with an unlimited supply, how do I get started with this?
Enjin Platform synchronization issue
I am setting up self hosted enjin platform. I want to query all information from marketplace and not only data limited to my collection.