
Operations to help you create and manage transactions.


Please note: This is an introductory reference

For the most up-to-date information, refer to the GraphQL Playground and Apollo API Reference.

🚧 The information provided in this section cannot be programmatically updated and may be subject to inconsistencies over time.


Core Endpoints

  • Testnet:
  • Mainnet:

This is an overview of some of the most commonly used operations in the Enjin Platform Schema.



The AcknowledgeEvents mutation allows you to confirm the processing of specific events by acknowledging them and removing them from the cache. This helps maintain cache integrity and ensures efficient system operation by eliminating unnecessary data.

mutation AcknowledgeEvents{
        uuids: ["25f506ef-92a1-40a9-b034-60f9ab5045da"]
  "data": {
    "AcknowledgeEvents": true

Use Case:

You can use this mutation when you want to:

  • Ensure that certain events have been successfully processed or recognized.
  • Remove processed events from the cache to prevent it from growing excessively.
  • Optimize system performance by clearing unnecessary data from the cache.


The UpdateTransaction mutation enables you to update an existing transaction with new information. This is useful for maintaining accurate transaction records and tracking the lifecycle of transactions.

mutation UpdateTransaction{
        id: 7
        signedAtBlock: 320100
  "data": {
    "UpdateTransaction": true

Use Case:

You can use the UpdateTransaction mutation when you want to:

  • Update the state, transaction ID, signed block, or transaction hash of an existing transaction.
  • Ensure that off-chain transaction records accurately reflect on-chain details.
  • Track the progress and lifecycle of a transaction.
  • Respond dynamically to events, such as block confirmations or transaction finality.


The RetryTransactions mutation provides a mechanism to retry transactions that have previously failed. This is particularly useful for addressing transaction failures caused by temporary issues such as network congestion or gas price spikes.

mutation RetryTransactions{
  RetryTransactions(ids: [175])
  "data": {
    "RetryTransactions": true

Use Case:

You can use the RetryTransactions mutation when:

  • You want to re-attempt processing of transactions that previously failed.
  • Transactions have failed due to temporary issues like network congestion or gas price spikes.
  • Avoid the need to manually re-create and resubmit each transaction, saving time and effort.